Top O Lisboeta Observador: Um blogue feito de desenhos
sexta-feira, junho 26, 2009
Um blogue feito de desenhos

The Garage, Bozeman
The Garage restaurant in Bozeman has one of the most popular patios in town. I know this because my girlfriend Linda and I waited over half an hour to sit there. What view does the patio afford? The street. The Garage, as you may already have guessed, used to be an auto garage and gas station. The food is pretty good, too (burgers, chicken, etc), at least for a town this size, but we are really waiting for some decent ethnic restaurants to open. If anyone would like to open a Thai or Indian food place here in town, I'll help you out...

Quiosques de Lisboa
Now in Lisbon there are some new charming places. These "quiosques" are similar to those that were 100 years ago, serving tradicional refreshing drinks but not soft drinks!
For the price of one coke I had a delicious "capilé".

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